Something to 'chill out' to during this 2020 worldwide pandemic.
This work is based on the structure of the DNA and protein structure of Covid-19, the new SARS Cov 2 that has caused a global Pandemic in 2020.
The music is based on approximately the first quarter of the sequence.
To get the full impact of the work, I suggest listening to the whole work. The work uses the actual sequence of the DNA for the tune and the harmonies are a combination of the protein structures and chord structures generated from my software.
If you like this music, please share it with your friends and leave a comment on my YouTube Channel - click HERE to go to the YouTube channel.
Here is a sample of the data used. Note that the DNA letter 't' has been replaced with an 'e': aeeaaaggeeaeeaaaggeeaeeaaaggeeaeeaaaggeeaeeaaaggeeaeeaaaggeegeececeaaageececeaaageececeaaageececeaaageececeaaageececeaaacacgcageaecacgcageaecacgcageaecacgcageaecacgcageaecacgcageaeeecegcaggceecegcaggceecegcaggceecegcaggceecegcaggceecegcaggccgeccgggegcgeccgggegcgeccgggegcgeccgggegcgeccgggegcgeccgggegacacgeccaaacacgeccaaacacgeccaaacacgeccaaacacgeccaaacacgeccaaagaceccgegagaceccgegagaceccgegagaceccgegagaceccgegagaceccgegceeageagaaceeageagaaceeageagaaceeageagaaceeageagaaceeageagaaacgeecggaeacgeecggaeacgeecggaeacgeecggaeacgeecggaeacgeecggaecgaaggcaeecgaaggcaeecgaaggcaeecgaaggcaeecgaaggcaeecgaaggcaeecgaaaeaccacgaaaeaccacgaaaeaccacgaaaeaccacgaaaeaccacgaaaeaccaeggccaeageeggccaeageeggccaeageeggccaeageeggccaeageeggccaeageecceeaegaaecceeaegaaecceeaegaaecceeaegaaecceeaegaaecceeaegaa.....
The work was performed using Bandlabs Cakewalk DAW, EastWest Hollywood Diamond Orchestra and Choir sample sets, Vienna Symphonic Orchestra sample sets.